Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Welcome to Fentanyl Test Strips Training of Trainers!

    • Who We Are

  • 2


    • Learning Objectives

    • Agenda

    • Pre-Test

  • 3

    Maryland Landscape Refresher

    • Opioid-Related Unintentional Intoxication Fatalities 2011 through 2020

    • Intoxication Deaths by Opioid Type, 2011 to 2020

    • Deaths Involving Substances Mixed with Opioids January through December 2020

    • Opioid-Related Fatal Overdoses by Race/Ethnicity, 2019 vs. 2020

    • Percent Change in Opioid-Related Intoxication Deaths by Region 2019 vs. 2020

    • What is Fentanyl?

    • What is Fentanyl? cont'd...

  • 4

    Why Test for Fentanyl

    • Why Test for Fentanyl?

    • Naloxone is effective to reverse fentanyl overdoses

    • Knowledge is Power!

    • Options Exist!

  • 5

    Fentanyl Test Strips as Tools of Engagement

    • Considerations for Outreach

    • Considerations for Outreach

    • Messages for People Who Use Drugs

    • Good Samaritan Law

  • 6

    Fentanyl Test Strips: Specifics & How To

    • Accuracy of Fentanyl Test Strips

    • Limitations of Fentanyl Test Strips

    • Limitations of Fentanyl Test Strips

    • Fentanyl Test Strip How-To Video

    • How to Use Fentanyl Test Strips

    • How to Use Fentanyl Test Strips

    • How to Use Fentanyl Test Strips

    • Testing Methamphetamine & MDMA

    • Interpreting the Results

    • Interpreting the Results

    • Handout from MDH

  • 7

    Let's Practice!

    • Tailoring Your Pitch!

  • 8


    • Fentanyl Test Strips Post-Test

    • Resources

    • Fentanyl Test Strips Feedback

    • Fentanyl Test Strips Feedback

    • Closing

    • Thank You!


Miera Corey

MaHRTI Associate Director

Miera Corey (she/her/hers) graduated from Morgan State University with a bachelor’s degree in psychology. She has six years of experience with the Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health, The Lighthouse Studies at PEER Point, a harm reduction research program focused on Baltimore City residents with HIV/STD high-risk behaviors. Miera worked as the Evaluation Coordinator for Wraparound, Systems of Care, and National Child Traumatic Stress Initiative programs at the Institute for Innovation and Implementation before joining Behavioral Health System Baltimore as a coordinator, then Associate Director of the Maryland Harm Reduction Training Institute (MaHRTI).